MPhil | Master of Philosophy

Programme Overview




The Master of Philosophy in Development studies is an advanced research degree, suitable for students who wish to specialize in a field of research of their choice. It forms the ideal platform for the pursuit of a doctorate degree.

Background on the Master of Philosophy degree in Development Studies. Development Studies is a multi- and inter-disciplinary field of study that seeks to understand social, economic, political, technological, and cultural aspects of societal change, particularly in developing countries. Development Studies as a study field deals with development efforts through reform, capacity building and empowerment.
This research-based degree has a multidisciplinary approach that addresses the numerous global challenges that are faced in the developing world and identifies the possible solutions. 
The acquisition of this qualification will be of great value to all those who are involved in one way or another in development. This holds true not only for the person responsible for day-to-day management, but also for the policy maker and the strategic manager. The degree can be put to good use by officers in the private sector and the public sector at local, provincial, and national level. The degree endeavour to create professionalism and promotes people to take responsibility for their own development. Finally, this degree will promote problem solving and give context and understanding for the person not directly involved in development, but nonetheless fulfilling a function in developing countries.

Aims of the program
The aims of the program are:
• To equip individuals with the knowledge to conduct research in the fields of social, economic, legal, humanitarian, political, technological, and cultural aspects of societal change.
• To convert their mind set into a mind set of “solving problems”
• To contribute towards the body of scientific knowledge in Zambia, and outside our borders
• To develop confident citizens that can stand their ground in the development of science
• To become contributors towards the economy of Zambia

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